Friday, January 2, 2009

Day 2; I'm trying!

This morning, I put on my favorite shirt for no reason other than that I like it. (That counts!)

After putting on my face cream, I dropped the bottle, and it smashed on the floor. :-( Rather than waiting until my face got dry and uncomfortable to punish myself for the momentary lack of attention that caused the bottle to drop, I ordered a new bottle. That's being nice to myself.

Lest anyone should think my life is much calmer and somehow more amenable to being nice to myself, let me share some details of my last day. I did do some knitting last night, but the experience was not quintessential, since I had a 2-year-old climbing on me at the time. Also, I had to put the knitting down when I was almost (almost, almost!) done with the sweater. When I played the keyboard yesterday, it required a reduction in attention to said 2-year-old, which enabled her to get into the leftover Christmas cookies, which required some post-piano cleanup. I meditated last night, but not for long; it was late. It was late because I was working on making PJs for the boys (fusing interfacing--not my favorite, and not a project that I'm all that excited about, so it doesn't count).

It's feeling good to just think about what nice things I can do for myself.

Have a nice day!
Bonny Joy

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